Hello Friends!
*Please take a moment and read this through. I spent a lot of time on this to try and make it as clear as possible. Unfortunately the way I had it laid out (to make it easier to understand with bold and underline etc.) didn't translate when I put it into Locals.
Happy New Year to everyone. Though challenging at times, 2022 was a good and important year for myself as well as many of you I’m sure. I want to express my deep appreciation to all of you - whether you’ve been with me since beginning or you just found me last week - for the trust, support and friendship you have shown me. Here’s to making 2023 interesting and unforgettable in all of the best ways you can imagine.
Below is the new menu of options and as well as some protocols for for the first half of 2023. Some of the levels will be changing. Many of the adjustments being made are to ensure that I am able to fairly compensate the people I work with on an ongoing basis. Those changes will go into effect February 1st, 2023. Feel free to reach out to me through Patreon or Locals messages (not email) or by commenting on this exact post with any questions.
Here we go…
MENU OF OPTIONS : Different platforms have slightly different offers based on features and benefits unique to those platforms.
While continuing to be far from perfect, Patreon remains the the most useful way to distribute content that has various levels to choose from. My personal website has not yet been able to provide at this level with the inclusion of archives. A ‘from 2023 forward’ version will be available through my website shortly. I will keep you posted.
- $5 = Second segment of all episodes of “Strange Mosaic” and “Project Kids.”
- $10 = Second segment of all episodes of “Strange Mosaic” and “Project Kids”
+ “Morning Dumps”, other content oddities (i.e. “Just The 3 Of Us”, “XX w/ LL”), any other random stuff I occasionally generate and occasional “Conspiracy Cocktail” invites.
- $25 = Second segment of all episodes of “Strange Mosaic” and “Project Kids”
+ “Morning Dumps”, other content oddities (i.e. “Just The 3 Of Us”, “XX w/ LL”) and any other random stuff I occasionally generate.
+ PTGBG (all variations), Cenote w/ Elisa & access to the new Dump Chat/Conspiracy Cocktail Friday Happy Hours (which will now be recorded so you can enjoy even if you can’t attend).
+THIS IS THE ALL IN LEVEL. INCLUDED IN THIS LEVEL IS AN EXTRA GIFT. GIFT = All Words & Afterwords content in video format.
CONTENT + GROUP & PERSONAL EXPERIENCE LEVELS (these levels give access to my professional consultation services at a deep discount as appreciation for those who support my media work….or for to those who just want to chat….lol. ;)
- $50 = Second segment of all episodes of “Strange Mosaic” and “Project Kids”
+ “Morning Dumps”, other content oddities (i.e. “Just The 3 Of Us”, “XX w/ LL”) and any other random stuff I occasionally generate.
+ PTGBG (all variations), Cenote, and the new Dump Chat/Conspiracy Cocktail Friday Happy Hours (which will now be recorded so you can enjoy even if you can’t attend).
THIS IS THE ALL IN LEVEL. INCLUDED IN THIS LEVEL IS AN EXTRA GIFT. GIFT = All Words & Afterwords content in video format.
+ 30 minute private chat w/ Emily each month.
- $100 = Second segment of all episodes of “Strange Mosaic” and “Project Kids”
+ “Morning Dumps”, other content oddities (i.e. “Just The 3 Of Us”, “XX w/ LL”) and any other random stuff I occasionally generate.
+ PTGBG (all variations), Cenote, and the new Dump Chat/Conspiracy Cocktail Friday Happy Hours (which will now be recorded so you can enjoy even if you can’t attend).
THIS IS THE ALL IN LEVEL. INCLUDED IN THIS LEVEL IS AN EXTRA GIFT. GIFT = All Words & Afterwords content in video format.
+ 60 minute private chat w/ Emily each month.
- $300 = Second segment of all episodes of “Strange Mosaic” and “Project Kids”
+ “Morning Dumps”, other content oddities (i.e. “Just The 3 Of Us”, “XX w/ LL”) and any other random stuff I occasionally generate.
+ PTGBG (all variations), Cenote, and the new Dump Chat/Conspiracy Cocktail Friday Happy Hours (which will now be recorded so you can enjoy even if you can’t attend).
THIS IS THE ALL IN LEVEL. INCLUDED IN THIS LEVEL IS AN EXTRA GIFT. GIFT = All Words & Afterwords content in video format.
+ Weekly 30 minute private chat w/ Emily.
- $500 = Second segment of all episodes of “Strange Mosaic” and “Project Kids”
+ “Morning Dumps”, other content oddities (i.e. “Just The 3 Of Us”, “XX w/ LL”) and any other random stuff I occasionally generate.
+ PTGBG (all variations), Cenote, and the new Dump Chat/Conspiracy Cocktail Friday Happy Hours (which will now be recorded so you can enjoy even if you can’t attend).
THIS IS THE ALL IN LEVEL. INCLUDED IN THIS LEVEL IS AN EXTRA GIFT. GIFT = All Words & Afterwords content in video format.
+ Weekly 60 minute private chat w/ Emily.
EMILY MOYER COMMUNITY - https://emilymoyer.locals.com
- $10 = Second segment of all episodes of “Strange Mosaic” and “Project Kids”
+ “Morning Dumps”, other content oddities (i.e. “Just The 3 Of Us”, “XX w/ LL”), any other random stuff I occasionally generate and occasional “Conspiracy Cocktail” invites.
- $20 = (premium support level)
Second segment of all episodes of “Strange Mosaic” and “Project Kids”
+ “Morning Dumps”, other content oddities (i.e. “Just The 3 Of Us”, “XX w/ LL”), any other random stuff I occasionally generate.
+ access to the new Dump Chat/Conspiracy Cocktail Friday Happy Hours (*attendance).
WORDS COMMUNITY - https://wordspodcast.locals.com
- $6 = All Words & Afterwords content in complete video format + chat in locals livestreams.
- $25 = (premium support level)
All Words & Afterwords content in complete video format + chat in locals livestreams.
+ Afterword(s) Salad (a live salon experience)
PROJECT KIDS COMMUNITY - https://projectkids.locals.com
- $12 = Second segment of all monthly Project Kids episodes w/ Michael Wann.
+ 2-3 Full episodes of PTGBG (all variations) or Cenote (w/ Elisa E) each month.
- $20 = (premium support level)
Second segment of all monthly Project Kids episodes w/ Michael Wann.
+ 2-3 Full episodes of PTGBG (all variations) and/or Cenote (w/ Elisa E) each month.
+ access to weekly Conspiracy Cocktail Friday Happy Hours (*attendance).
- $14.99 = Second segment of all episodes of “Strange Mosaic” and “Project Kids”
+ other content oddities (i.e. “Just The 3 Of Us”, “XX w/ LL”), any other random stuff I occasionally generate.
+ access to all other Rokfin creators’ premium content.
1) I have decided that the member section of my website will never get launched if I worry about archives. Uploading them is slow and laborious and requires endless hours at the computer that I just am not willing or able to spend. I will begin uploading 2023 content to my site today. Once there is a full month of content I will run a beta test with a few supporters in February. If that goes well, I will open it to others in March. For now, it will only have the content from January 2023 forward. I will worry about archives later when I can afford to hire someone to do it.
2) Please ONLY use Patreon or Locals messages feature to contact me. DO NOT SEND ME EMAILS PLEASE. I want to make sure I prioritize responding to my supporters and this is the best way to make sure I do. If you are a ROKFIN supporter, use email but put in the subject line ROKIN SUPPORTER in all caps. I cannot respond to lengthy emails so the shorter the email the better chance of a response. If you have a lengthy question or comment, or one that requires a lot of back and forth, book a session with me (if it is a private matter) or come to the frequent interactive opportunities available (almost every Friday) and we can chat about it. If you are a supporter at a level that does not include group chat experiences, send me a short message in one of the ways I described and I am happy to offer you a complimentary one-time invite to the chat so you can ask me your questions. Asking questions in the group format is encouraged because it’s likely that others have the same question. Also, other group members often have better answers than I do…lol.
WEBSITE INFO: https://emilycmoyer.com
My website is a hub that links to all of my offerings. If you want to book a session, go there and pick from the menu and then use my calendar to book a time. Once I receive the request, I will confirm and give payment instructions etc.
Phew! I know that's a lot of information and choices but I want to make sure my people are able to choose exactly what they want...which means lots of options.
Thank you & much love!
The delightfully strange Slick Dissident is here to make Topher's dream come true. I had a good time too! ;)
Find Gabe here:
Find Emily here:
https://emilymoyer.locals.com - free trial month here w/ code - JOINEMILY
https://patreon.com/offplanetmedia - free 7 day trial here
https://projectkids.locals.com - free trial month here w/ code - PKLOVESYOU
https://wordspodcast.locals.com - free trial month here w/ code - WELCOMETOWORDS
The one and only discoverer of the coded DMT dimension on the other side of the laser, Danny Goler, is back to add magnetism and magic to this ever expanding and evolving mystery. Enjoy! :)
Watch the trailer for his documentary:
Contribute to the project:
Find Danny:
Find Emily here:
https://emilymoyer.locals.com - free trial month here w/ code - JOINEMILY
https://patreon.com/offplanetmedia - free 7 day trial here
Berdie's YT Channel :
Find Emily here:
Sofia Smallstorm is back with more fascinating things to tell us all about. Enjoy! ;)
“Triumphant Return “
Public Offering:
Patron’s Vault:
Find Sofia:
Find Emily:
on YT @ Emily Moyer
Detox now with CLEAN SLATE www.therootbrands.com/technobrat21
This show was recorded on Monday 07/25/2022 at 12 p.m....
Hi friends!
First I want to thank all of you for the love and support you have offered over the years. I truly can’t believe how blessed I am to have been able to explore the contents of my mind and the realm(s) with all of you coming along for the ride. I am wishing you all smooth alignment with purpose and direction in 2025. 🙂
Next I want to let you that 2025 will be a year of exploration and experimentation for me. I will be continuing most of my current collabs with others but spending an increasing amount of time on a new (mostly) solo project. I am very excited and also nervous about this new endeavor. I ask for grace and constructive feedback during this process.
With all of that in mind...here is the new menu of options for 2025!!
Much Love,
So far Locals has provided the best combination of creator support and guarantee of free speech of any platform I use. Unfortunately they ...